
Terms and Conditions of Use

Unless otherwise stated, all logos, brand names, data sheets, illustrations, drawings and information are protected by copyright. Unless prior written consent has been obtained from METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH , the foregoing may only be used as defined in these terms and conditions, or as defined in the terms and conditions for the use of technical specifications, such as data sheets, and/or as defined in the details to be found on the websites. It is prohibited to remove any notice of copyright or other notice of ownership that may be contained in the information downloaded. Such notices must be preserved and displayed in their original state.

The information presented on this site and made available for downloading may be used and downloaded without any restrictions. Users may not distribute, transmit, display or redistribute for public or commercial purposes, or otherwise exploit as defined by §§ 15ff., 69c UrhG of the German Coypright Act any material which may be displayed on the website from time to time without first obtaining the express permission to do so from METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH in writing.

METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH do not offer any guarantees as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information. METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH accept no liability or responsibility for errors of omissions in the content of the technical documentation (in particular data sheets, 3D downloads, installation instructions, manuals, test reports etc.). All information made available in the technical data is supplied without any accompanying guarantee, whether expressly mentioned, implied or tacitly assumed. This information does not include any guarantees regarding quality, does not describe any fair marketable quality, and does not make any claims as to quality quarantees or quarantees regarding the suitability for a special purpose.

With the exception of the aforementioned limited authorization, no license or other claim to the information, or a copyright from METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH or a third party shall be granted or transferred. Any contents which can be called up from the websites, particularly information and data sheets, may contain or refer to trademarks, patents, proprietary information, technologies, products, processes or other trademark protection rights of METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH and/or third parties. No license for of claim to such trademarks, patents, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes or other trademark protection rights of METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH and/or third parties shall be granted or transferred.
METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH shall not accept any claims for any damage or virus caused by accessing the website that could impair the state of the computer, the equipment or other property of any person visiting the websites or downloading from the website. The aforementioned limitations of liability and exemptions from liability do not apply, in so far as liability must be assumed, e.g. according to product liability law, in cases of premeditation, gross negligence, on account of loss of life, physical injury or damage to health or on account of the violation of important contractual obligations. Claims for damages for the violation of important contractual obligations are, however, limited to contract-typical, predictable damages, provided there is no premeditation or gross negligence, or that liability is assumed on account of loss of life, physical injury or damage to health. This ruling does not imply a change in the burden of proof to the detriment of the user. METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH do not offer any guarantees as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the information. METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH accept no liablitity or responsibility for errors or omissions in the content of the technical documentation (in particular data sheets, 3D downloads, installation instructions, manuals etc.).
Although METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH make every effort to ensure that the information content is accurate, up-to-date and state-of-the-art, technical inaccuracies and/or printing errors in the information cannot be ruled out. METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH make every effort, however, to update the information and content at regular intervals.

METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH reserve the right to alter, correct, and/or improve the information and the products described in the information at its own discretion and without giving prior notice, insofar as this is reasonable for the user. The same applies to any technical changes that serve the purpose of technical progress. The receipt of technical documentation (in particular data sheets, 3D downloads, installation instructions, manuals, test reports etc.) does not constitute any further duty on the part of METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH to furnish information on alterations to products and/or technical documentation. Any other agreement shall only apply if expressly confirmed in writing by METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH. Updating by METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH do not relieve those persons visiting the site or performing a download of the duty to inform themselves about the latest information and contents on all websites of METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH.

METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH cannot provide any guarantee that the rights of third parties who are neither a member of nor are affilated to METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH will not be infringed as a result of making use of the contents available on the websites.

These terms and conditions of use apply for all websites of METZ CONNECT and METZ CONNECT TECH.

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